15 AWS reference material to read


15 AWS reference material to read in 2020

AWS Certification requirement reading material 100%

AWS Security Best Practices Whitepaper: (required  for AWS certification) https:/ / d1. awsstatic. com/whitepapers/ Security/ AWS_ Security_ Best_ Practices. pdf
How to encrypt an EBS Volume:(required  for AWS certification)

https:/ / cloudacademy. com/ blog/ how- toencrypt-an- ebs- volume- the- new- amazon- ebs- encryption/

Secure Content Delivery with Amazon CloudFront:(required  for AWS certification)

https:/ / d1. awsstatic.com/ whitepapers/ Security/ Secure_ content_ delivery_ with_ CloudFront_whitepaper. pdf (required  for AWS certification)
Using WAF to mitigate OWASP’s to 10 Web Application Vulnerabilities:(required  for AWS certification)
https:/ / d1. awsstatic. com/ whitepapers/ Security/ aws- waf- owasp. pdf

Consolidated billing process:(required  for AWS certification) https:/ / docs. aws. amazon. com/ es_ es/awsaccountbilling/ latest/ aboutv2/ useconsolidatedbilling- procedure. html
Other Reports: https:/ / docs. aws. amazon. com/ awsaccountbilling/ latest/aboutv2/ billing- reports- other. html

Quick start: Install and configure the CloudWatch Logs agent in a Linux EC2 instance at the time of launch:(required  for AWS certification)

https:/ / docs. aws. amazon. com/ es_ es/AmazonCloudWatch/ latest/ logs/ EC2NewInstanceCWL. html
Dynamic Compliance Checking for Cloud Resources ( AWS Config Rules) – :((required  for AWS certification))
https:/ / aws. amazon. com/ es/ blogs/ aws/ aws- config- rules- dynamiccompliance-checking- for- cloud- resources/

Development operations and AWS: https:/ / aws. amazon. com/ es/ devops/ (required  for AWS certification)
Blue/Green Deployments on AWS🙁(required  for AWS certification)) https:/ / d1. awsstatic. com/ whitepapers/AWS_ Blue_ Green_ Deployments. pdf


Trusted Advisor Blogs:

https:/ / aws. amazon. com/ blogs/ aws/ category/ awstrusted-advisor/
AWS Config Best Practices:(required  for AWS certification)_

https:/ / aws. amazon. com/ blogs/ mt/ aws- configbest-practices/
AWS Webinar: Automated Compliance and Governance: AWS Config and AWS CloudTrail – 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks:

(required  for AWS certification)https:/ / www. youtube. com/watch? v= 9g0u_ 05WBig

AWS Whitepaper – Encrypting Data at Rest:(required  for AWS certification)

https:// d1. awsstatic. com/whitepapers/ AWS_ Securing_ Data_ at_ Rest_ with_ Encryption. pdf (required  for AWS certification)
AWS S3 Encryption/Decryption mechanisms Infographic:(required  for AWS certification) https://awsinfographics. s3. amazonaws. com/ S3_ Encryption_ Infographic. png


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